Begining next March, 2009 that is, I will be setting out on my adventure of a lifetime, traveling around the world. The plan is consistantly changing, but at the moment there are some definite headways. My roommate Jessica and I will start our journey in Beijing, in hopes of finding a small fuzzy friend named Kate. With Kate, and possibly Mark in tow, we will conquir the Great Wall and all of China's other wonders before heading Westerly. Next stop, Vietnam, with the open possiblity of Laos or Cambodia...From this region we will relocate to Eastern Europe, working our way from Turkey to Prague and eventually Ireland. I have some hopes for Morocco on the end of the voyage, but I don't want to get too optimistic.
These plans are more than optimistic and flexible, yet if any or all of them work out to provide some beautiful vistas and people i will be satisfyed .